It’s that time to put all Christmas things away, But what are you going to do with the Christmas Tree.
It’s nice to have a real tree for Christmas and with about 8 million being sold in the UK this Christmas. But now its all over what do you do with it apart from burn it in the garden or put it in the bin! Well there are some things you can do :-
- If you have a plant shredder, you can put the tree through it and use the chips around the garden as a mulch, or in the compost bin as a break up for the grass clipping from last summer.
- Most councils will take trees in at there main recycling centers and waste tips to chip up and use around your city in parks ect.
- Or if your local Zoo will take them, again to chip them up and use them in the animals cages and around the Zoo.
So you can see a chistmas tree is not just for christmas but can be used again.
But a thought for next year you can buy a living tree in a pot and after chistmas give it to a woodland trust, or if you have a very big garden you can plant it your self and pay back a little co2
take care