January in the Veg plot

A cold January, but there are many jobs that need do in and around the Veg plot with things to get ready for spring, as its not long away now!


So what needs doing…


General Jobs


If you have not already done so, all leaves and other rubbish must be cleaned up from around the plot,


Things to Plant


On mild days you can start to plant out Garlic, Onion sets and Shallots towards the end of the month.


Things to Harvest


Continue to lift and store root veg like Carrots and Beet as they best if they have been brought in by now. But the likes of Parsnips and Leeks are best with frost on them so leave them out until you need them. You can also pick some spring cabbage as winter greens too.




Finish winter pruning Apple and Pear trees as well as Currant and Gooseberries bushes, when the weather is frost free.


Don’t forget you can still do hardwood cutting of Currant and Gooseberries bushes that you want from the off cuts.


Time is also running out to move any fruit plants around the veg plot so this need to be done soon.




Lift and divide Rhubarb crowns now and prepare some for early forcing and a good mulching will them too.


Pest and Diseases


Even at this time of year the slug can be around so keep an eye for them!


Mice can also be a problem at this time as they are short of food and will look for your stores to attack so keep an eye out for them.


Birds too and be a pain as they get hungry taking buds off of plants so look after them as well as putting net over plants to protect them.


Look for Canker in fruit trees.


So have good time it the Veg plot and don’t get to cold


take care



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