With the weather better now (but not at it best) and things growing away, things need to be kept on top of, so here some of the things I will be doing over the next couple of days.
Weeding – I know I don’t like this one too, but for the veg to grow fast and big, weeds must go! Also they take water and nutrients away from our veg.
Potatoes – Time to start banking them up with all this rain they are growing fast so this is a must (although I’m doing mine with grass cuttings).
Peas and Beans – If you not done it runner beans need to go out if you started them in doors or plant the seed straight into the soil as well peas too! French beans to can be planted as it is now warm enough for them in the south of england. And don’t forget to keep the Broad beans supported.
Other plants – This week end I will be planting out my Pumpkins out as well (all of this family of plants marrows/courgettes can go out). Plant out sweetcorn too. Keep sowing Carrots, Radishes, Spring Onions, Peas and Lettuce for a succession of crops for the Kitchen.
And keep picking the Rhubarb for a great crop
Take Care